Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Gate of Praise

I was recently struck by a Scripture verse that I happened to read in passing.  It was Isaiah 60:18b:  “You will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise” (Isaiah 60:18b, NIV).   The chapter from which this verse is taken is a description of the wonderful things that God is going to do for His people, the people of Zion.  It may refer primarily to God’s actions in the new age at the end of time, but I think this particular verse also can apply, in a very real way, to our relationship with God here and now.  So often in our lives, the hurts and disappointments we experience lead us to create barriers that hamper our relationship with God and others, walls built upon our feelings of guilt and shame.  Our own willfulness or selfishness can also be a barrier to open and honest communion with God and with those whom we love.  Walls are built and the gates to true intimacy and trust are closed. 

How can we break down these walls and open our hearts to true relationship again?  I think that living in praise to God is a key to making this happen.  Praise is a gateway to God and to a deeper relationship with the Trinity.  The practice of seeing God in each person, in all things, and continually lifting up our hearts in praise can lead us out of our selves, break down unnecessary walls, and open new doors that lead us into the fullness of life God desires for us.  It is an attitude that takes time and patience to cultivate, and needs to be continually practiced.  However, it is most important to remember that Christ has already broken through the barriers of sin and death.  He has opened for us the door to new life in Him, in God.  Praising God for this gift of new life—and for the new life to be found everywhere—can lead us through the Door to salvation and abundant life in Him.  I Peter 2:9 says:  you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light”.  May God help us to live a life of praise, to walk through the Door of Christ who is our Way, and may we—as individuals and as a church community—be a gateway to God for others. 

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