Friday, March 28, 2014

Separation of Church and…

“Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Mark 12:17

It’s common to talk about the separation of church and state. And I’m all for it. Many of us think that our own church could do a good job influencing the government, but wouldn’t want another person’s church to. So the designers of our nation’s system have made a wise choice.

But I wonder how often we assume that there should also be separation of church and life? And not just the entity the church, but God? Should God be separate from my job? From my family? From my finances? From my health? From my free time? Should I box up a percentage of my time, money and attention for God, and set the rest outsisde of God’s oversight and influence?

Most people of faith would say, “Of course not! God should be part of all of my life.” But we don’t necessarily act as though that were true.

Not just during these days of Lent, but every day, how would my life change if I really believed God should be part of every aspect of it?

--Laura Howell

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